Some companies debate whether it is more economical and efficient to choose a CCTV over manned guarding. Lets not fool ourselves, CCTV is a vital part of any security system and should definitely be included in your budget, however, there are certain things that CCTV cameras are unable to accomplish, like covering those blind spots. A manned security system has many advantages over CCTV.
CCTV lacks a personal touch and is unable to use judgement in situations. A human is able to pick out which situations and events they feel are threatening or suspicious whereas a camera is unable to do this.
With a manned guarding system in place, you can be assured that whether or not you have a CCTV system on site, the human touch can maximize the effective functionality of any equipment that you may choose to operate in your establishment. If you ensure you have a good manned guarding system in place you can be safe in the knowledge that your building will be protected twenty four hours a day.