At Pentagon Protection & Investigations Inc. we understand the importance of having stringent security on construction sites in order to eliminate (minimize) unauthorized access for the entire site and more sensitive areas, theft protection and site safety.
Access is controlled by identification verification and issuance of temporary and / or permanent site identification. Our officers are trained in the latest technologies of photo identification software and can be adapted to roles requiring more stringent access.
Theft prevention is controlled by adhering to a chain of command protocol which includes, but is not limited to, security officers, site supervisors, Pentagon Protection & Investigations Inc. management and approved client representatives. Access and means of egress are important factors in controlling reception and exit of authorized materials.
Our security officers are trained to be liaisons with superintendents, site supervisors, sub-contractor foremen and site safety directors. Our supervisory staff attends all pertinent labor and security meetings as to be advised and aware of events that affect the job site.
Our company has a long history in providing full time and supplemental security staff to many prestigious museums across the metropolitan area.
Our officers have been trained in the area of securing items which are constantly observed and enjoyed by the public. Many of our officers have been trained in camera surveillance monitoring and provide more than adequate security for any museum area.
In addition, we understand the tumultuous nature of security needs at museums depending on the varying size of exhibits and the importance and popularity of the artists. These variables make it difficult for museum management and security directors to provide consistent and reliable security officers for a site which the security needs are always changing. We add the security blanket of being able to provide varying numbers of security officers for less than “steady” or “long-term” jobs.
Office security encompasses many aspects and levels of security. We provide officers from the most basic level of front desk security to security directors and supervisors. Stationary posts, “roving” security, surveillance monitoring, supervising officers and undercover personnel are all at the disposal of the client through our company. Again, this security can include access control systems, Officer Tour Verification Systems and surveillance monitoring at the request of the client.
Residential buildings and neighborhoods all provide unique challenges for security. The neighborhood, tenant requests and requirements, parking areas and tenant boards are all variables that dictate the security situation. Improvisation and adaptation is the only way a secure and docile environment is attained.
Our management and supervisory staff make it a point to keep an even and constant flow of information and dialogue with our clients. This way, problems and/or policy changes can be made as soon as possible.